By HarryBeast - 10/12/2009 03:24 - Canada

Today, I pulled out three chips from a bag. There were two round ones, and a skinny one, making it look like a penis. I laughed. I'm 33. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 957
You deserved it 32 823

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cocks are funny whatever age you are :)

I don't understand how your life is ****** by this.


I think no ones opinion matters except the person who posted the fml if you don't like it oh well build a bridge and get over yourself you either laughed or you didn't move to the next story and have fun.

So? Get over the fact that you like jokes like that.

First off, Alan, I appreciate (chuckles) the job you moderators (snickers) do on this site... (starts laughing uncontrollably) (after a few minutes) I'm sorry. I couldn't hold in my laughter. (takes a deep breath) In all seriousness, while I rarely find myself commenting on certain FMLs illustrating the lack of the "F" in "FML", I agree with you that these type of comments get a little retarde... I mean redundant to a degree. Sure, some of these FMLs are pretty lame and unoriginal, but you cannot expect to have gold every single time. Keep up the goo... um... steady work =)

This is not an FML by any means. You are a ******* douche bag

YDI for thinking about Clay Aiken's private parts and then laughing about it.

srhmldndo 0