By Anonymous - 11/06/2016 14:27 - United States

Today, I proposed to my boyfriend. He said yes, but is now sulking because I took away his "manhood". Jeez, sorry I didn't want to wait another 7 years for you to finally do it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 979
You deserved it 2 026

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If all that's required to take away someone's manhood is a proposal, is it really worth having in the first place? Nothing says "I'm secure in my masculinity" like pouting after a woman expresses her desire to spend the rest of her life with you.


He's sulking because he doesn't want to marry you, and probably wants out of the relationship, but is too much of a wuss to get out of it. You put him on the spot by asking him, and he was too cowardly to say 'no.' That's why he's angry. If he loved you he wouldn't wait 7 years to ask anyway.

OP's boyfriend needs to get over it. My wife didn't so much propose as tell me that we were getting married.

he accepted your proposal ;) try to be happy op

OP, are you sure you want to marry a pouty little child? It's 2016, not 1955. If he didn't want to marry you, he could have said no. If he does want to marry you, then he's being a whiny little ass for no reason.

Hint fast, hint hard, and hint often!

Definitely get rid of him. that guy sounds like hes pretty sexist. My Fiance and i both proposed to each other at separate times because we both wanted to. :)

This reminds me of that one episode of Friends when Phoebe wanted to propose to Mike after his failed proposal and she had to do it thrice, and some guy made fun of Mike because he wasn't man enough to propose to her himself.

I love my girlfriend to death, but I would leave her in a heartbeat if she did this.