By apenglishstudent - 31/03/2009 05:12 - United States

Today, I overheard a conversation two of my friends were having about Homer, so I interjected with a quip about a Simpson's episode I had seen before. They were talking about the poet. I'm an AP literature student. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 185
You deserved it 70 842

Same thing different taste


limeade 0

This is why I can't stand people who feel the need to interject into others' conversations. Mind your business.

glockjaw 0

How is this FYL? You mistook what your friends were talking about? Big deal Oh know! your life is ruined and AP Lit is what idiots take who want to seem smart but can't handle AP Language and Comp.

At my school, you're supposed to take AP Lang. the year before you take AP Lit. Weird.

kiteofnight 0

This is the lamest FML ever. Oh, you're in an AP class! Clearly you're a ******* prodigy. Jesus Christ, so dumb.

KwitIt 0

I'm an English lit major, but I think my mind might still go to the Simspon Homer first just because he's such a pop culture icon, and you don't really expect to hear people talk about a poet in everyday conversation... but I agree with #7 that you should have known from context what they were talking about, unless you heard the name Homer and nothing else and immediately had to add your two cents, in which case you're a dumbass.

We don't really know the situation though. They could be just hanging out, or at school. Moral of the story, stay out of other people's conversations; unless invited.

That's not even an FML, That's just a little misunderstanding. Also, AP Lit is nothing.

lifesabit 0

People are really thin skinned these days.... I put YDI because you were being such a panzie about it.

Don't let it get to ya. Simpsons References FTW!

vt_mruhlin 0

You need new friends. Simpson is by far the greater Homer.

what a noob, before i even finished reading your fml, when you said homer i thought the odyssey. :P