By elmalo68 - 20/09/2009 01:22 - United States

Today, I must find a gentle way to tell my 71-year-old mother that she's too old to be wearing shirts that expose her belly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 256
You deserved it 3 188

Same thing different taste


The woman is 71 years old. She's put in her time as a mother, as an employee, possibly a wife. She's an adult. She doesn't need your approval on how she dresses. Chances are, she'll likely remind you of all that herself.

Crash_Love_Paige 0

Haha, this FML made me giggle.

Seriously? Methinks you need to find a gentle way to tell yourself that there are so many things worse in the world than 71 old year belly. The woman brought you into the world and provided you with love, shelter and food. Even if it's embarrassing for you, hasn't she done enough to deserve your unequivocal love and support as long as she's not robbing banks or beating people? Especially over something so trivial as clothing? This FML made me giggle but let your momma be.

jane99 0

I saw an old lady wearing a belly shirt the other day. Maybe it was your mom lmao.

A lot of people don't realize they have to let go of their youth. Your glory days are over, deal with it. And just because you're an adult that doesn't give you the power/right to do whatever you want. It's that kind of backwoods logic that's killing this world. Sorry this world is not all about you.

No, you can't do WHATEVER you want simply because you're an adult. But, her doing legal that hurts no one? Yeah, that she CAN do. Her bearing skin might make you, or others, uncomfortable. But like you said, this world is not all about you.

If you get to be 71 you can wear whatever the hell you want!!!

Who are you to tell gramma what to wear? Who cares?!? Let her wear what she wants and let her just be happy.

killinmesmalls 0

Maybe she's trying out her new found cougar skills ;D

i think you should have done that about 10 yrs ago unless she is a major MILF and obviously hotter than you. FYL.