By Anonymous - 31/05/2009 03:34 - United States

Today, I met this really nice guy at the mall and he gave me his number. Later that night, I texted him. We got on the subject of food, and I started talking about how much I love veal. He responded with saying I was supporting animal murder, that I should go to hell and lose his number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 092
You deserved it 20 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, I mean, it's not the most politically correct meat on the planet. It seems he may be a vegetarian. You should probably lose his number anyway. I mean, you met him at the mall.

Wow, well if hes going to be like that for not being vegan, not worth your time. I'm vegetarian myself but I realize it's not for everyone.


well maybe you should I to hell. you can eat your innocent baby cow there. I'm disgusted by you.

don't worry. he's just one of those creepy "save the animals" people (im not trying to violate rule 14 here)

"Tesco has phased out imported veal and is stocking UK-reared high-welfare veal. All Waitrose own-label veal is British, from calves raised on a diet of milk, water and roughage, reared in open housing with natural light and straw bedding" Join the modern world folks. Most places don't raise veal in boxes anymore. It's bad for business.

Well he might have been really annoyed-I'm a vegetarian and I try to tell my friends wuT it's like-I do t push it on them, but I like them to know. You shouldve found out first.

Iloveyencheck 0

ok the animal is already dead. It's already been killed so what's the big deal if u eat it? If u don't then it's just been killed for no Reason

I think you have dodged a bullet there, the guy is clearly a fanatic. it's ok to have a different point on that issue, but to discriminate people for that is just douchey.

wow I eat organic farm raised meat but he's going a little over the top

carabear555 0

lmao...i went to the mall and got a cute guys number yesterday! thats ironic.. i got it after following him for two hours...but he knew we were so it was funny :) my friend and i always follow people tho...just this time he happen to turn around and we talked hahaha weird :) but yea...we are still talking...un-like you, sorry fyl

Wow what kind of man defends animal rights over trying to impress a woman? He's weird, you don't want him anyways.