By sunboy52 - 05/05/2009 07:43 - United States

Today, I met my girlfriend's parents for the first time. We got on the discussion of animals, and I showed them a picture of my cat on my phone. Being a touchscreen, when her father grabbed it, it changed picture. To a picture of my girlfriend, fully nude. FML
I agree, your life sucks 401
You deserved it 238

Top comments

This is why you don't keep nude photos of your girlfriend. You look and then delete that shit.

pennies83 0

Wow.... why would you even be stupid enough to leave a nude picture of your gf on your phone without locking it? You totally deserved this.


aww, why are there so may YDIs for this one?? i feel bad for the poor guy. it's pretty rude for the father to just snatch the phone out of his hands without asking... i thought they taught you not to grab in elementary school... and for all those saying the girl is a *****: being naked for your boyfriend and letting him take pictures does NOT make you a *****. we're in the 21st century here people. grow up.

what if your phone got stolen? you really want those pictures getting out? keep them somewhere safer :| shit.

YDI. & get over it, she must be wayy more embarrassed than you. It's really her FML that should be on here..

Re: #52 i did see her again but since i don't like her, i don't care. as long as i look better than her, she can't say anything lol. #46, "stop having premarital sex?" seriously? studies show that sex is best until the age of 25. back in the day people got married younger so they could have sex. that is a poor decision, and that's why we end up with such a high divorce rate. plus, whatever happened to "try it before you buy it?" ;)

oh cmon he doesn't deserve it. It's more of a FHL than the OP's, but it sucks for both. I mean if he did have the naked pics on there they could've been there for awhile and probably didn't think about them when he offered to show his cat. Or made a rational assumption that people wouldn't be rudely grabbing for his phone. But look on the bright side. If you guys have been dating for awhile and you're not young her parents probably assumed you were having sex anyway, you just confirmed it =P

You sure showed her a cat alright.

#46 Troll troll is troll. A winner is you.

skatetwin5 0

u shouldnt have them right on your phone!