By grem - 13/04/2009 23:27 - United States

Today, I met my boyfriend's family for the first time. I was playing with his little sister by grabbing her arms and spinning her around. On one turn, she started screaming in pain. It turns out I dislocated both her shoulders. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 688
You deserved it 69 519

Same thing different taste

Top comments

prttyyngthng 0

That's one HELL of a first impression.

the shoulders are supposed to stay IN the sockets? oh, oh dear.


Islander_fml 5

Lol at #15. Hahahahaha. Poor kid. Bless her soul. But at least she didn't break a bone. I hear dislocations can hurt like hell, but with a broken bone that takes weeks or months to heal. In a few days the aching should go away... I think.

Silas_fml 0

#10 - Care to join me in a nice game of Toss the Retriever?

lifesucks33_fml 0

This sounds like something that would happen to me.

lala03_fml 0

Don't worry I took my ex-boyfriend's little brother in my lap down a slide and his leg got caught underneath him. He wore a cast forever then limped once it came off!! What an awful first impression though....I had at least been with him a while :(

It's not your fault. Although his family should've warned you before swinging her around. I have a little cousin that's the same way. My older cousins and I had to stop playing with her because we would always forget about it.

that sucks : I did that to my little sister once. she was like four, i think. anyway, you didn't mean to. it's not your fault.

hot_mom_7 0

dnt feel too bad it happens especially if the kid is double jointed

#58 I don't think ******* children is morally or legally acceptable. :]