By spitballer1 - 06/07/2009 16:54 - United States

Today, I made a bowl of spaghetti for my girlfriend and me. I tried the move from Lady and the Tramp where the boy and girl both slurp the same piece of spagetti and end up kissing. When I tried it, the spagetti went too down far my throat, and I ended up throwing it up on her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 403
You deserved it 151

Top comments

SchitzoFRIENDic 0

Well... It WOULD have been really cute. Props for tryin', bro.

Lmao that gives such a funny visual but that sucks OP.


xxcubanxx 0


I've choked on spaghetti before... there no way it made you throw up unless you have an extreme gag reflex, bitch.

brrrx 0

Not only do YDI for trying to imitate a Disney movie and taking it literally....but YDI hugely for trying to imitate DOGS from Disney. What, did you also push a meatball over to her with your nose first? Did you REALLY think this was going to work?

skullbuster 0

There is only one noodle you should be trying to get your girlfriend to suck and it isn't in the Disney movie lame-o!

dramakat11 0

What a bunch of jerks. I think you were sweet and romantic for trying that. It's a great movie and a great scene. Yeah, you totally ****** it up but everyone ***** up majorly once in a while...or else this site wouldn't exist!

roflwafflez 0

my girlfriend and me.... ur supposed to put everyone before yourself when listing others

Oh, is there some rule for that? I'm sure Mr. Grammerpolice will find us that rule, right?

Colby_Colbert 0

this made me think of 2girls1cup

jordan161616 0

hahahabthats hilarioussssss

Next, chew while you suck the spaghetti; it's what they do in the movie, and it makes it seem like you spontaneously kissed her as opposed to racing to her lips...

AssOf2009 0

YDI for being corny as hell