By Anonymous - 24/07/2015 16:05 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, I'm grieving over the death of my best friend of 9 years. My mom wasted no time arriving at the conclusion that I must be hormonal and pregnant with his child. Apparently it's not normal for a woman to cry so much over a man, unless they've been fucking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 023
You deserved it 1 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry to hear that. That really ******* sucks.

Maybe you should talk to your mom about appropriate behavior after the death of someone close...


im so sorry about your friend and ur mom sucks

First: I apologize for tagging the you deserved it, twas a misclick. You did not deserve your mother's ignorance or hurtful comment! You cry all you need. Nine years is a long time to know someone and then lose them like that. May you heal up when you can!

EcoAirWarrior 7

I mourned for several weeks after my golden retriever named Scooby Doo whom I had for thirteen years passed away from natural causes and remained depressed for a month when my bearded dragon passed on. They were both my best friends. I doubt that means I was engaging in sexual acts with either animal

Your mother sounds crazy. Very sorry to hear, it's hard to lose a good friend. I had to hide my sorrow from my wife when an ex-girlfriend, who 15 years later became a friend, died; please accept all empathy I can give. God bless you.

I'm sorry. I went through a terrible loss a few years ago when a male friend of mine passed away. I still am not over it... And we were not a couple. It's really hard, especially when people take you lightly or worse, not understand.

You gon live in the friend zone you gon die in the friendZone

your mom is right though.... poor guy... being friendzoned for 9 years...

Well here's my 2 cents for your 9 years of grieving. Get over it, people die all the time but it does sound like you need grief councling, maybe they'll prescribe a few joints to relax.

TallMist 32

Way to be insensitive. Yes, people die all the time. But if you lost someone you deeply cared for, are you just gonna not care and move on? Best friend of NINE YEARS and they die and you're telling OP to just "move on" as if it's easy as that? Damn.