By pizzaface - 15/03/2010 11:50 - United States

Today, I looked at my face to see if my new age-defying lotion was working. My skin does look younger, it's covered in pimples like a teenager's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 127
You deserved it 5 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

amayasoma 19

Doesn't it say on the label to apply in small sections first before fully using it? Some people are allergic to certain products. Always try a new product before using it often.

I'll **** in ur face it's the best age defying lotion you can get


I'm 24 and I still get acne. nothing wrong with it. everyone I know gets some sort of breakouts.

Women look the most beautiful with no make-up at all. There is a unending beauty with the natural gift a woman was born with.

Age-defying makeup? Are you one of those middle-aged women who pours themselves into a tube top and designer jeans that a sixteen year old would wear?

I don't see anything wrong with someone trying to look their best. Also, the the above poster who said their mom thinks their acne makes them humble, no offence your mom is an idiot. Yeah I don't believe in piling make-up on every time I go out, but I do believe in putting in some effort to look nice.

Well, well well... there are some bitchy comments here, aren't there?! I do feel your pain, OP. I've used age-defying lotions since I was 19 because I have extremely dry skin on my face. I used one type (L'Oreal) and broke out in some sort of pre-menstrual style rash! My advice is to test a bit of skin under the jaw first, or at the temple where your hair could hide it, then wait 72 hours after applying it as you would normally before even thinking of applying it anywhere else. And don't use makeup to cover that breakout!

Beware the dreams of avarice. Also, the fountain of youth is a myth. So you're getting older. I am too. Welcome to the club.

SeedlessMe 13

Yeah, mine aren't too bad either at least.. It was way worse in my mid-20's! and the only makeup i wear is eyeliner, so it's not from that.. Dermotologists always manage to dry me out, gave up on them long ago... ;-) Though I must say, since I started using witch hazel at night it's gotten even better!