By DaggerHole - 06/03/2014 14:54 - Australia

Today, I learned the worst part about being dared to shave your ass hair: Stubble. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 116
You deserved it 16 459

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have chosen "truth". On the other hand, I'm sure you have a sexy five o'clock shadow now. Too bad it's where the sun don't shine.


squarecircles 13

Now u can sandpaper things with your butt.

the0ddest0ne 5

And this is why, sometimes, we have to choose "truth." I'm sure you took someone's advice from the comments and you got it under control but, lesson learned? Don't play Truth or Dare with those guys again, I'd guess. Or maybe it's baby powder has its uses.

Why did you shave your ass? Any girl would have told you to wax.

bertyogurt 7

Moral of the story: Pick truth and lie.

Just hope you don't get an ingrown hair/boil from the experience. Then you'll REALLY know the worst part of shaving your ass.