By DaggerHole - 06/03/2014 14:54 - Australia

Today, I learned the worst part about being dared to shave your ass hair: Stubble. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 116
You deserved it 16 459

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have chosen "truth". On the other hand, I'm sure you have a sexy five o'clock shadow now. Too bad it's where the sun don't shine.


I think the stubble feels funny. It adds character to my ass

ouch xD who are you playing this game with and how did they know?

Oh just you wait for the horrible ass sweat and sewage smell.

Wax. It grows out somehow differently. I use to get waxed and the stubble grows out softer for some odd reason. Maybe different hair growth cycles. But when I shave it's tough and itchy. Lotion helps a lot.

Shaving cuts the hair and leaves it sharp, waxing pulls it out so it grows out soft.

also as hair grows it gets thicker (I'm not talking density of hair growth but rather the individual strands) meaning you have a brittle stub left over where in comparison to newly grown hair you get a soft, fine tip.

Hm...just wondering how they would have checked up to make sure you went through with the dare?

Yep That's what makes u keep it up Bait or wax it baby

squideth 18

Just what I was thinking. So many women go through this all their life, and men act like it's the end of the world.

arinmon 5

Sucks when you are expected to do it a life time; and to your WHOLE body.