By fucked - 24/08/2014 20:03 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I landed my first job as a security officer. Only after I signed all the paperwork did I find out that the area I'll be working is apparently a hotspot for violent shootings. I'm screwed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 381
You deserved it 6 190

Same thing different taste

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As a California security guard for over 5 years I am LMAO and I do apologize. What you are is what we call a body. You'll fill that post as long as you can stand that post. You'll either quit eventually one day leaving the post to another body or successfully demand a different post. Bodies are just people hired with expectations of quitting soon enough. Few bodies make it to other posts. I knew a chic who had to watch a Walgreens in LA without any shelter to make certain no one tried to set fire to it-again.

Is there such a thing as non-violent shootings?

You usually find a big demand for rent-a-cops in safe neighborhoods?

I had my first night tonight. It sucked. but the area is really nice. lots of hot college girls.

an3ph 20

Suggest applying for a transfer to location with non-violent shootings.

Gotta check the cameras, Lock the doors, and save power. You should be alright. Don't forget to check Pirate Cove.

That sucks OP. Hopefully you have somewhat experience and you won't get hurt? But I must say, you should always research where you're applying before going there. And, I might sound very mean for saying this so forgive me, but as applying for security guard you must know that you would have to take change in certain dangerous situations, right? I definitely see how this would make you nervous, especially since it sounds like you are young. But, this is what security officers have to work with sometimes. If it really recks you, maybe apply somewhere else? FYL, though, OP. I wish you the best of luck