By Anonymous - 16/09/2015 11:25 - Germany - Felsberg

Today, I heard my boyfriend telling a female friend that his ex was so gorgeous and out of his league that it made him feel inadequate, and so he now only dates within reach. She told him he's hot enough to have anyone he wants. 30 seconds later they were tongue-deep in each other's throat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 431
You deserved it 2 021

Same thing different taste


well they were meant for each other. anyone dumb enough to fall for that line deserves the person dumb enough to use that line.

Good thing that happened. Now you know that he was a douche

At least he thinks you are out of his league, but sorry to hear that OP

Sorry to hear that. Be the bigger person and just walk away, no need to get even. Let her have him and see what it feels like because if he'll cheat with you, he'll probably cheat on you.

I absolutely do not think cheating is okay... ever. Good luck OP. He's a jerk.

please say ex, please say ex, please say ex.....

drshn 22

okie. your wish shall be granted lady... it is ex from now on.

Exboyfriend AND exfriend right? Because that ***** ****** up, I'd have slapped them both told them they weren't to bother contacting me anymore and if in my house kick them out

That female friend was his or yours? Just to see if she too should be dumped ... It's always better to know ahead so u have real closure. Stay strong