By mainey92 - 25/02/2010 05:30 - United States

Today, I heard a rumor about myself going around my high school that I am pregnant, I've dropped out of school, and that my belly is showing. I'm not actually pregnant. I've been severely depressed, so I've missed a few days of school and I've been eating too much apparently. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 112
You deserved it 4 496

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Welcome to high school. The place where the ****** become bigger ******, the rumors are crueler, the idiots stay idiotic, and... Everyone gets the picture. I know what it's like OP. My freshman year, not even halfway through, all the people I grew up with were spreading the worst rumors ever. It's true when they say everyone's waiting to say something bad about someone else. Hopefully, you won't have to start over at a new school like I did and you'll be able to properly treat your depression. In a few years, no one will even care. I'm out of high school now and I could care less; whoever started everything is hardly my friend anymore. You're probably a freshman or sophomore. It gets better, trust me. However, if your depression is affecting your attendance, you really should be seeking help. It's only for the best. [/serious comment]

i'm sure that rumor helped your depression a lot :[ haha fyl


Drop some weight, cheer up, go back to school. It's just a rumor - there are thousands more wicked than this one.

dugumit 0

did it occur to u these gossiping bitches have no life and within 9 months will look like complete morons....or are you too obsessed with crying about the present.

NotFatEnough 0

I have Bipolar Disorder, and most of my friends knew I did. I didn't go to school for a while, and when I came back about two weeks later, everyone was surprised to see me, asking if I was okay. Pretty much, they were trying to get down to why I hadn't been coming to school. Turns out, this girl who hated me started this rumor that I had killed myself, and everyone believed her.

You've got to stop worrying about rumors...all kids do in high school is gossip about each other, when no one really knows what they're talking about. In a few weeks, or even just days from now, no one will care about whether or not you're pregnant, because the attention will be on some other poor girl. Don't pay any mind to it.

Arisakentaro 0

omg!!! I had a rumor going around like that too cept the prego part was 7th to 9th the dropped out was cuz the system took me out of the school and genetically my belly portrudes I've gotten used to people calling me preggo I just say it looks like it and then add stupid genetics or I have no abs...

I can empathize, for a while I had terrible depression and would cry all the time and just sleep and be alone so I went to a therapist and we realized it was situational depression so I left normal high school and am now in independent study and I don't think I've ever been happier. go to therapy it really helps!

That happened to me in 8th grade. I weighed maybe 89 pounds and was going through a painkiller addiction and a severe depressive episode. I laughed it off and wore skintight shirts to prove everyone wrong. I don't know what happened to the rumor, but it'll probably start up again considering I've gained about 20 pounds since then.

whatshernuts 0

Sucks that people are starting needless rumors.. but missing high school because you're depressed? Hate to be a dick but, come on. The world doesn't stop for you, kiddo. I've never used depression as an excuse to skip out on school and I've been dealing with chronic as well as circumstantial manic depression since I was 12. Put your big girl panties on.

Hmm, When I was 15 I lost my virginity, the guy also slept with my best friend in the same day, in my bed.. I was very unhappy. My best friend was 2 years younger then me, she then went around school blabbing about what had happened. I left the school about 2 months later. She told me that the whole school thought I left because I was pregnant. I wasn't pregnant. School kids are stupid.

Omg ur story is almost like mine.dont let the rumors get to u,and more important dont turn bulimic or anorexic or anything like that.(sorry for my grammar or any other mistake.)