By Jobby - 30/06/2012 12:48

Today, I have four flights. I spent last night projectile vomiting with food poisoning. By the time I got to the airport it had progressed to liquid diarhea. Two flights in, I got my period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 757
You deserved it 2 713

Same thing different taste


cariiiii 0

This is literally the same exact thing that happened to me last week. t(-.-t)

tigers803 0

wow, truly a series of unfortunate events...

bringmethejordyn 7

Well some people get vomiting and diarrhea when they're on their period, so maybe that's it :)

This is one of the worst FML's ever. I'm sorry OP. sounds like the worst day ever

I wonder what people's excuses for YDI are...

It says your a boy... but you got your period?