By MissPerspirent - 28/09/2011 02:18 - Canada

Today, I have come to the point in my life where I need to Google how to stop excessive back sweat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 562
You deserved it 3 583

Same thing different taste


cbdee 8

People get botox injections to help with excessively sweaty palms & armpits, so I'd think it would work for backs as well.

Omgitsaireyonna 6

Hm......Overactive sweat glands. Cornstarch in particular is a good powder to rub on your back or use baby powder cuz it has cornstarch in it and also Get your thyroid checked..

CuteDumBlonde64 11

All you need to do is go to your local drugstore (let say Walmart) and purchase some baby powder. Grab a powder pad and cover the places where you body is sweating. :) SIMPLE AS THAT. hope it helps.

Joshoa123 16

Don't sweat it. It's only natural.

perdix 29

Grow out your armpit hair. That way, your pits will sweat enough to cool your body and the sweat glands on your back won't come into play. Of course, you'll stink to high heaven and look like a loser hippie chick from the 70's, but at least you'll have conquered the back sweats. We'd call that a pyrrhic victory.

orgasm_blush 4

That's not going to stop the sweating though.

The golden rule: All embarrassing questions can be avoided by using google.

perdix 29

Until your GMail tells you about the local Groupon for back sweat, where you can meet local singles with excessive back sweat and how you can earn $7500/month harvesting back sweat at home. Google knows too much.

Hope you read down this far OP cause this is the advice for you.... ....get in shape. People don't sweat for no reason if they are heathy and fit. Many other reasons and situations may cause perspiration, but overall, you'll be 4000% better off

Raindrops99 4

That's not true. Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition.