By norestforthewicked - 02/03/2016 20:41 - United States

Today, I had to use a sick day from the school I teach at. While I was off, another teacher called me mid delirium, because my students were borderline rioting over the work I left for them. I'd asked them to read a book and edit the one-page essay they've had two weeks to work on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 359
You deserved it 1 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your students suck. You may need to get the principal or their parents involved.

camilax3 15

Sadly, students are just getting lazier and lazier each year.


You are a teacher? From the sound of it, I would guess an English teacher. Your grammar stinks. They will be better off with another teacher.

becca9985 34

Exactly how long was the book they were supposed to read?