By Angelica - 28/10/2011 01:48 - United States

Today, I had to sit patiently at the checkout at work, listening to my own father rant about how the twinkies he was buying were "twice the size back in my day", and how "you could buy a dozen of these suckers for just 10 cents." He didn't stop there. No, he tried to haggle over the price. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 908
You deserved it 2 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can't wait until he does this for a pack of condoms.

armorf0r 7

"shiiiiit, back in my day, you could get a pack of 20 sheep intestines for a dolla! Man, you NEVER had to worry 'bout gettin yer sister pregnant!"


perdix 29

Security! Haggler on Register 5! Don't worry, it's not Marvin the Hitman, but bring the Taser anyways. Now, go away, Dad, do you want me to become an unemployed loser like you?

leadman1989 15

You young whipper snappers just don't realize back in the day men were men, a horse was a horse (of course) and women and blacks were second class citizens. Ahh the good ole days. Sarcasm!

Now they have there damn "rights"! :-/

leadman1989 15

Now gays want 'em too it's a slippery slope I tells ya... slippery because it's covered in santorum. Sarcasm! (that means I don't actually mean this stuff it's used to point out how ridiculous it is and you SHOULDN'T BE OFFENDED!)

FYI for having to put up with that; your dad is out of his mind for thinking that the grocery store was gonna sell him Twinkies at a huge profit loss. I work retail and I do get the occasional customers who give me the "Back in my day, I could buy a weeks worth of jeans for $10" bullshit. I try to tell them "yeah but you also made like $3 an hour" but they don't listen. :/

I've heard those stories too. "Why is it so expensive? Is it made out of gold or something?" ***Ugh!

mojobanks 8

Cool. Your dad was a stoner! Only stoners buy their twinkles in bulk!

every1luvsboners 11

How can anyone not like Twinkie's?

Just think how expensive they'll be in the next few years. When he finally gets that special bargain price, have him stock up big time for the future. Twinkies never go bad.

gabrielbaby 9

Again people are hating because not everyone share opinions, I don't like twinkles, some commenters don't like twinkles get over it!