By Anonymous - 28/04/2013 03:16 - United States - Atlanta

Today, I had to explain to a friend that the show writers for Glee did not write "Bohemian Rhapsody" and that Freddie Mercury did not steal the song from them. We're both 17 years old, and she reacted by kicking a chair at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 219
You deserved it 3 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You should have shoved the chair up her ass. It's what Jesus would have done.

plum_lovin 28

Dude, no offense but I want to punch your friend in the face for thinking that the Glee writers would even possibly think of coming up with such a magnificent song such as "Bohemian Rhapsody"... Queen is the stuff man.


Your fault for having stupid friends. Sorry OP

asm9296 3

youre both idiots for watching that trash. grow up

Elfkid21 19

if your "friend" seriously thinks Freddy mercury stole a song from glee, that "friend" of yours is a ******* moron.

gingergiggles 4

question: why is she your friend?

gators1995 30

I downloaded Bohemia Rhapsody like a month ago and I have this song on repeat because it is so freaking amazing!!!!!!!

I just wanted to say congratulations for knowing Queen at age 17. Teens these days don't know good music when it would hit them in the face...

yusaku02 20

Please make sure it does not breed. For the good of mankind.

Reminds me of the ignorant teenagers that wear hair band shirts and have no idea (and don't care to know) who they are.

That seems pretty normal for a 17 year old kid to do. Teenagers are ******* retarded.

TallMist 32

Please don't. I'm 18 and I'm pretty certain I'm not as dumb as her. It's just the ones that lack common sense that we hear the most from.