By Anonymous - 18/07/2012 16:09 - United Kingdom - Darlington

Today, I had the contraceptive implant removed from my arm after having had it in for three years. I was one of the unlucky people whose body sticks to it. It took half an hour to cut and pull a tiny little stick out of my arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 457
You deserved it 2 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And now I'm suddenly scared of having mine out.

I can't tell if "sticks to it" was planned or not considering t was a stick


geckohannah 3

Mine moved down my arm after a year, and it also took to my arm, I have a wonderful scar to prove it haha

You must be in the united states... Should have done your research. They dont use those in Canada anymore for a reason.

HelloChrissy 9

It obviously said at the top that they were in the UK. Your obviously from Canada.

I'm not too sure if they're offered in the US, although since different states have different regulations it might just not be an option where I'm at. The only ones I've ever seen advertised are the ring, patches, or pills.

The same thing happened to me, it has taken years for the scar to fade.

Funny how they never mention that when you get those damn things.

sucks4_you 1

thats better than getting pregnant 3 weeks after getting the implant...

At least you weren't in the 1% that got pregnant? Or perhaps you wrote that FML too...

Same thing happened to me when I got mine replaced. For all the people scared it might happen to them, don't be.. It doesn't hurt, just annoying laying there waiting for it to come out lol

guppyfishlette 1

Oh god, that makes me nervous to get mine out next year:/ I have the same thing!! Eep

Every birth control method has some weird happenings that show up in a random few people. I'm sorry you were one of the random few. I hope the area heals up quickly.

mdcunningham 0

The same thing happened to me and I only had it 1 year. I had to remove it early because it was making me depressed, and bitchy. /: