By besviken - 18/11/2012 22:53 - Sweden - Uppsala

Today, I had the best sex of our relationship with my boyfriend. Afterwards, he took off his condom, looked me sweetly in the eyes for a few moments, then decided to slap me in the face with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 445
You deserved it 6 314

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Return the favor, but with a used tampon. It might be gross, but it'll teach him a lesson he'll never forget.


That was a bit of a dick move on his part.

OP's boyfriend: You ever been slapped with a used condom? Op: No why you as... OP's boyfriend: * Slaps Op with the used condom*

Ah true love..... Nope I'm not buying that one my self wtf is wrong with him I don't think I've ever had the urge to slap my used condom across a girls face not even after break up sex

pheebs314 17

Its kind of like you decided to put all the periods at the beginning because you didn't know how to properly distribute them...

No I just like pissing off sad individuals like you who have nothing better to do then whine about how others write a post yes I am doing it yet again hope this makes you quake in your pathetic rage

pheebs314 17

Hey... My reply didn't show up :( It said "no rage here :)" I just thought it was kind of funny that you used enough at the top to fill in all the normal period spots.

Well I thought it was funny... But not nice at all. FYL

This isn't the first FML I've read about someone getting smacked in the face with a condom. Is this some new sexual trend? If so, I'll pass.

yeahreally 6

Oh cum on he could do better than that!

Your boyfriend is a dirty filthy pig. If he did that to me. I'd have crusher his nuts

Hahahahaha. I could see my boyfriend doing that.

You're what? 12? 14 at the most? Kids these days... *shrugs* at least they're using protection?

NagainaFier 16

Wtf... I agree- there's no way your old enough to be having sex. And seriously? If 'I could see my boyfriend doing that', I'd be having a frank talk with him OR finding a new one.