By ICantBelieveThis - 06/03/2010 14:31 - United States

Today, I had sex with my girlfriend in her room. That means: Jonas Brothers posters on the wall, Jonas Brothers pillows, sheets, comforter and stuffed dog. After we did it, she apologized to her posters for having to see that, since they're pure. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 358
You deserved it 8 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jonas bros. how old is she. You sure she is legal age??

dphilipson12 0

you ******* a 7 year old?! dump her ass man!


Have you tried dating someone your own age?

Rememberme1105 0

well there is a handful of older girls that happen to like the Jonas brothers. on the other hand if she had a comforter and a bear she is way to young. your a pervert or a really horny 10 year old

Sounds like you need to stop dating 8 years olds...

At least she doesn't have them on on her ceiling because there is no more room on the walls, and the floor is a giant painted picture of them♥ Sadly, thats my room♥ Plus life sized cut outs and a clock♥

sind3r3la 0

woww maybe they're just young! I'm 13 and no longer a virgin so cut the crap about assuming they're older! and OP it's not like your room doesn't have Selena gomez and Miley cyrus on the walls! and all you haters.. you can just go **** yourselves! cuz it's not like some ones gonna do it for you