By Sansa - 22/10/2014 21:30 - Netherlands - Velp

Today, I had sex for the first time with my first boyfriend. We broke up 6 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 551
You deserved it 10 579

Sansa_fml tells us more.

OP here. Just wanted to make clear that I wasn't drunk and he wasn't either. I still like this guy. Every time I see him I'm falling in love again. Point is that I'm really affraid this wil not work out (I hope it does, but still) And i'm not the type of girl who has sex with anyone this easy, so I'm really confused what to do with it. I guess I'll find out.

Top comments

Well that's what I call taking it slow lol

So did you have sex with your second before your first?


I hope it works out. Too much hurt will come if it doesn't! Best of luck!

Sometimes when you love someone truly, holding on is all you can do...just don't let him lead you in sugar.

For the ones who are interested, I decided I don't want to keep contact with him. He didn't treated me with respect, and it hurts a lot how he handled it, but he's not worth it.

Exes are exes for a reason's best you cut that tie now, save you heartache in the future