By xorenae - 27/03/2015 08:38 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I had an interview for an office job. As a requirement, I had to show up dressed for the job. My friend has worked there for years and told me it was casual dress. I wore jeans and a blouse. Everyone else had on business suits. Obviously my friend doesn't know what casual means. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 022
You deserved it 7 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Steve95401 49

Even if the office has a casual dress policy, you should have worn a business suit for your interview.


tehdarkness 21

Business casual does not include jeans.

I assume OP's friend meant business casual, but depending on the industry it could have been casual casual. I've dealt with one of those tech startups where a button shirt and jeans is actually considered relatively well-dressed.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm finding it highly amusing that the people that keep commenting YDI after the OP's follow up at #76 are essentially saying the OP deserves getting the job and are contradicting themselves! =)

I was taught to always dress for a management position no matter what kind of job it is.

Regardless you always dress up for interviews. First impression count. YDI

business casual probably not just normal casual

Steve95401 49

Congratulations! Glad your story has a good ending.

martin8337 35

You should know better than wearing jeans at a job interview.

Here (Germany) it's possible to be overdressed. For a position with in a lab nice pants (don't have to be business) and a blouse are good enough. I got every job I applied to with it. My bf (chemists) got a job 2 days ago wearing green pants... congrats to you op!