By crashingdown - 29/05/2010 05:28 - Australia

Today, I had a weird dream I woke up on the bathroom floor at my local gym. Turns out it wasn't a dream, and I passed out from "overworking myself". I was on the treadmill for under 5 minutes, walking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 072
You deserved it 14 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mr_Zachary 0

At first I thought, "Maybe drugs?" but I soon came to the realization that it was... *Gasp* OBESITY!!!

here's a thought. as long as we're assuming that the OP is fat, maybe, in an extreme attempt to lose weight, stopped eating all together along with exercise. So, if you haven't eaten in a few days and try to walk on a treadmill, there is a good possibility that you could pass out. Or, maybe the OP is diabetic due to his/her weight. Then they have a blood sugar spike and then they faint. Or the OP is a teenage girl who isn't fat at all, but is convinced she is, so she becomes Anorexic and passes out due to lack of eating (see point 1) but who cares, let's just make fun of the fatty, right?


thinkpink1 0

I'd say you are out of shape so keep it up and committ. if you do, then it will soon be very very easy. try leg lifts and crunchies(lay flat on the ground and sit up just enough for your shoulder blades to lift the ground with your hands on your head). good luck!

SpaghettiDinosau 0

Guys, even if OP is fat, at least they're trying to fix the problem. If you make fun of fat people because they suck at exercising then they stop and there's more fat people we have to look at.

How the hell did you wake up on the bathroom floor?

ndiesal 0

This goes beyond out of shape. Even most fat people that are 250, 300, even 400 pounds can handle 5 minutes on a treadmill. Either the OP is out-of-this-world fat, or she needs to go get this checked out by a doctor.

blackllama 0

you probably weren't drinking enough water.

I workout almost everyday, and I was Ina great shape when I started, you need to breathe proporly and make sure to always breathe because, when I was benching I didn't breathe right way and I almost passed out , my spotter saved that day ,