By CheapFamily - 09/04/2014 23:47 - United States

Today, I graduated from Basic Training. I was really looking forward to seeing my family after being away for almost three months. They decided not to come to graduation because they didn't want to spend the money to travel here. They live 30 minutes away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 481
You deserved it 3 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

conman531 23

Congratulations and thank you for the service. They are missing out on seeing a real hero

strawberrywine22 30

Well, that's their loss. They'll regret it eventually, not that it helps now. You're doing a great thing and you deserve their respect.


It was his graduation from boot camp, his family should be going to see him. There are tons of families watching their new service members graduate boot camp and he's going to be all alone until he's let go from his current boot camp command. Meanwhile he gets to see everyone else reunited with their families. Boot camp graduations aren't a simple "You passed, now you can leave. Be back at this time." It's a pretty big ceremony. He probably did go home afterwards to see them.

Wow hun, I'm so sorry.. A friend of mine is in Basic. He graduates next week. I was going to go see him even though I'm almost broke and over 8 hrs away but I wrecked my van :( I'm so upset. But anyways, you need to surround yourself in positive people. Like everyone else said though, Thank You So Much For Your Service<3 Praying for you. And congratulations on graduating and being so brave!

Sorry OP...congrats and thank you for your service!

Sorry Marine. Thank you for what you do. Your bothers were there with you.

Thanks for the service bro! From a future marine. Btw sorry bout your parents. What branch are you in?

That sucks, Soldier. Regardless, you should be very proud of yourself for graduating basic!

that sucks, they should be very proud of you for what you are doing. Anyone like you should have tons of respect. My brother in law is in BT right now, and he's getting deployed in July. Thank u for ur service, and I mean it.

That's a real family you got there... God bless you and your service.

A hero like you deserves a family that appreciates him. If they cannot appreciate you, there are millions of your fellow countrymen who do including me. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!!

JokersHQ 21

Wow man that sucks. That was really low if them. Thank you for your service though man!