By midwesternpetclerk - 09/11/2011 04:06 - United States

Today, I got yelled at by my boss for being insensitive to a customer. I'd told her I never heard of the requested item even existing. She walked off shouting, screaming and throwing stuff from the shelf. She wanted to order a bird feeder with heated perches so the bird's feet won't get cold. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 854
You deserved it 2 727

Same thing different taste


I live in the States and they're very common in my area (New England).

See now that makes me wonder how he treated the customer? I think OP laughed at her.

Cambria91 4

bird.. bird.. bird.. bird is the word

Shawme 6

WOW and here I thought not being able to pay my rent was a problem! Lucky birds, except she can't treat humans with the same compassion!?

This is why the 99% is broke, they buy stupid shite. Lol

yaknowiverse 0

we wouldn't want the poor little birdie's feet getting cold!