By random875 - 07/01/2015 06:03 - United States - Owings Mills

Today, I got stuck in an elevator. I called the fire department and told them where I was. They said they'd be right there and not to panic. It's hour 6. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 292
You deserved it 2 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should've told them you're stuck in a flaming elevator


You might want to establish a pee corner

But there's cats stuck in trees! Think of the cats!!

Where is the lift? Don't most places have the number for an engineer to help you inside them? I'd never call the fire brigade about being stuck in a lift if there were people in the building able to help me.

MartiOan 8

Downvote him however you like but at least in my country there is usually a numper for the company that installed it and in the two cases where I was stuck in elevators they arrived rather quickly and fixed the problem. I also suppose they know their systems better than the firefighters.

Thanks, I am a her not a him though haha

My building's elevator has a telephone button that connects you directly to the company that installed the elevators so they can help you in case of an emergency. It's great because you might not have your phone in hand when you get stuck.

Exactly. Most buildings seem to. Hence why I'm co fused as to why I'm getting down votes for pointing this sort of thing out. It's wasting the firemen's time otherwise, surely?

hope you have emergency light in elevator ..its tough to spend six hours in dark...

martin8337 35

Even though it is probably illegal in an elevator and indoors, smoke 'em if you got 'em.

My friend who is a firefighter told me they sit in the lobby and wait for the company to drop the elevator. They would rather that than you get sliced in half if they tried to get you out and the elevator moved. But if you told them you were having a panic attack, they would have opened the doors.

I work on elevators for a living and I've never had the fire department wait for me. They have a safety procedure they follow for getting people out.

Don't waste your battery on the internet! Call them again!