By nmaidkieavg - 25/01/2011 06:13

Today, I got pulled over for a traffic violation. Thinking I could get away with it, I spoke with a French accent. The officer then asked me a question in perfect French. I got a ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 407
You deserved it 56 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, if you were following the rules of the road, this wouldn't have happened.


it's usually required for police to speak both English and French.

dragonstrike94 8

Which is why one must learn mongolian

Ignorance of the law does not mean you can get away with breaking it. I assume this is what your plan was. You are dumb. Seriously.

Shenronlock 7

Vous l'avez bien merité, conard... (you deserved it, moron.)

*connard* prend 2 "n"... ;) mais clair, he deserved it!

This may be one of the only times I say "that's awesome" in reference to a cop. . .

1himfan666 0

u time try a different accent

Next time, fake a heart attack. It works better.

awesomegirl2s98 1

I saw that in a show! what show was it...?