By Heknowsnothing - 13/07/2016 21:09 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I got my giant Game of Thrones tattoo finished. Despite the fact that I had spelt it out for him, the artist wrote 'You no nothing John Snow'. It's the focal part of the tattoo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 352
You deserved it 6 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess your tattoo artist knows nothing either.

Brilliant! With the way English is… erm, evolving, your tattoo will become more correct over time. You'll have fun explaining how it was originally misspelled to future generations using nothing but emoji.


Did you not inspect it when he put the outline down? Sorry but YDI

A good tattoo artist would have shown you the final rough draft before placing on your body. I'm sorry its ****** up tho! That seriously sucks.

A man ruined your skin. A man ****** up.

Assuming if there's space you get just asking him to add the K and W.

ydi if it was some back alley tattoo artist

Well, you can't complain too much when you "spelt" instead of spelled.

If you have proof you spelled it out, sue your artist.

Considering that Jon Snow is spelled without the H, I think it's a bigger FML than you realize.