By jakewr - 02/07/2011 04:14 - United States

Today, I got more excited when two Kit-Kat bars fell at once in a vending machine than I did when I got married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 336
You deserved it 19 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments


"Anyone who says having a child was the best moment of their life Obviously never had two Kit-Kats fall out of the vending machine at once" - posted on Lamebook June 25, 2011

bryce2552 4

two kitkat bars for the price of one is a big freackin deal

bakapyon 0

;) I would do the same thing.

starburst7596 14

it really bothers me how only one person realizes that this is a variation of a lamebook post from a couple days ago...

RustInPeace79 0

You should be proud of yourself ;D

brownmegan 0

maybe divorce will be more excited then two kit kats!

robthebeast100 0