By kewtness_17 - 01/10/2011 23:10 - United States

Today, I got mad at my 4 year old son for cussing me out. Afterwards, I went upstairs to get ready for the day. When I came back downstairs I found him pooping on my brand new leather couch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 550
You deserved it 12 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments


For some reason, the thought of pushing his face in it and spanking him came to mind.

clue_me_in 20

Wow. He's not even in his double digits and he's cussing you out. FYL.

ktally23 0

Maybe that calls for some better parenting skills.

perdix 29

What kind of parent are you? Getting mad at him for expressing himself creatively through the artistic medium of profanity? You deserve to have your couch shat upon. Instead of blowing all that money on a new leather couch, you should spend it on parenting classes and buy a cheap, wooden bench from Goodwill.

He POOPED on the goddamn couch! What is wrong with you?! And cussing her out is not creative!

Oh come on he's four! You should expect things like that and not buy extremely expensive furniture!

juturnaamo 29

Yeah, he's 4. Most 4 year olds I know want nothing but hugs and cookies, and don't want to do much that interferes with these things. To already be disrespecting his mother like that is a looking glass into a future world of hell.

Um... No. My 3 and 5 year old apologize if they spill a little bit of drink let alone poop on the couch! My 5 year old knows some swear words (from super hero movies) but knows they're bad and won't dare say them. That behavior is NOT to be expected. Please don't have kids or you'll be saying "it's ok, this behavior is expected" when they act up.

fatalwish 6

And its clearly not your fualt at all right? Be the parent discapline your child and timeouts dont work take further measures lazy ass parents are the leading cause of spoiled youth who inherit the same values from their lazy ass parents who didnt give them what they needed.

doogy15 11

That's shitty bro. No pun intended =]

janicus 9

at least leather is easy to clean?

Jujubilee 1

Spare the rod, spoil the child.

perdix 29

Just drop the kid off at the nearest maximum-security prison and spare society the expense and anguish of dealing with the many heinous crimes the little psychopath will no doubt be committing.