By izerz - 26/03/2009 04:12 - United States

Today, I got home to find my mom sitting in the kitchen reading the mail. I saw an empty bottle of Absolut peach vodka on the counter. Surprised, I picked it up and said "Wow, who drinks this?" Her reply was "Why don't you tell me? I found it in your room." FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 404
You deserved it 77 394

izerz tells us more.

izerz 0

OKAY just to clarify some things.. because i am the one who posted this... i am 18 ... im a GIRL... and yes it was mine... i had left it in a bag months ago and when my mom was taking my laundry found it... and peach vodka? its actually quite good if you mix it with the right things.. esp cran juice, orange juice, and redbull.. i know its a lot.. but being a girl.. i dont really like hard liquor.. just the effects of it lol

Top comments

Dumbass. Even forth graders know that you get rid of empty bottles ASAP. Even if you have to throw them out of your window, you can still claim some idiot littered on your lawn. But Peach Vodka?? Dude. that's weak. Get some better taste in booze and then try again. Either that or start smoking pot.. no empty bottles to hide then.

birds_fml 7


lol at some of the nerds commenting on this. Parents should NOT be going through their kids' rooms. They should have a trusting relationship, which includes understanding that kids drink sometimes. In any case, everyone's parents are going to start out uptight like that, you just have to wear them down a little. This isn't an FML because you already drank the vodka. Really, though, how were you not able to hide one glass bottle?

musicloverr 0

peach vodka? gross..ehe. and anyway, why would you ever ask that if it was yours? why not just like pick it up while she wasnt looking, throw it away, and pray that she would forget about the whole thing? you walked right into that one. YDI

Lesson to be learned: DISPOSE OF ALL YOUR EMPTY BOTTLES! KEEP THE FULL ONES IN YOUR CLOSET IN A BAG IN ANOTHER BAG IN ANOTHER BAG! And for all the flack you're getting for drinking peach vodka, we've all made you know...get some decent booze and dispose immediately. =) You'll be okay. Your mom prolly hits the hooch too. Parents!

Why is everyone knocking peach vodka? At least it was absolut, and not karkov or phillips. I bet it tastes pretty good with sprite!

Uh... if it wasn't yours, FYL for being framed, lol. If it was, YDI. As far as the whole peach vodka deal...peach anything is icky. :D

Ew man.. at least have good taste and take it straight. Flavored liquor is for bitches =] Well, except for Captain Morgan. But any rum is good rum. =P

JeanNe91 0

WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! I'm still confused. How was it in your room if it isn't yours??

ROFL omfg dudeee, the same thing happened to me. me and my friend were sharing a Mickey of Bacardi Gold, and i left it in my weekend bag that i take to my dads, and it was empty. and i got home from school and im ****** 14 years old LOL, and i got bitched at to the max. then later she found out i took it from HER liquor cabinet :| so i feel your pain!!!! and i also agree with everyone else that;s commenting... as you see i didnt have no pussy drink in my bag :) get the good shit. then it might've been worth getting caught!

You are dumb and your mother is a horrible parent.