By Anonymous - 12/01/2017 17:09

Today, I got fired from my first-ever job. Via text. I hadn't even started the first day but I'm expected to drive an hour and a half to my now ex-boss's house to return the key. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 355
You deserved it 490

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My answer to that would be: #nope If he wants it delivered he can hire a courier. You're not on the payroll; don't get suckered into doing it!


If they want it let them come and get it. You have no obligation to physically return the key to them.

Goblin182 26

<p>Yeah, tell him to hold his breath until you show up.</p>

<p>for the folks advising against turning the key in completely: in many states businesses have the legal right to deduct compensation for nonreturned keys or other company property from the ex-employee's last paycheck, and in some cases (like in op's case where there is no paycheck) they can take it to court. they can also do this for the cost of getting the door rekeyed/recored so while the way in which op got terminated is really shitty and unprofessional, it is really unsound advice to tell

if they never actually started, they were never employed by law. The court would look at it on the same level as you gave a random person a key, toss the case, and more than likely fine the person for frivolous lawsuit.

mail it overnight. make sure you require a signature as proof of receipt.

<p>I'd totally reply the text. It's ok, but since I'm not longer your employee (and haven't been yet either), it's not longer my responsibility to return your keys. So please send someone for them.</p>

Hmmm not their employee anymore ... so screw the keys!!

<p>I'd totally reply the text. It's ok, but since I'm not longer your employee (and haven't been yet either), it's not longer my responsibility to return your keys. So please send someone for them.</p>

jcash52426 5

Sorry I flushed it down the toilet! You can pay the $5 to get a new made or hire a locksmith to rekey your office.