By Simms - 14/03/2012 02:32 - United States

Today, I got back to work at my hospital after some sick leave. The first jackass to waste my time was a guy with leg lacerations. This, he claimed, was because he tried to break a samurai sword over his leg as part of a bet. It's day one and already I want to kill myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 525
You deserved it 6 464

Same thing different taste

Top comments

All part of the business. Just be glad that you're far smarter than he is.


Perhaps, since you dislike your job that much, it may be time to find a new one.

What idiot tries to break a samurai sword over his leg????

Your the jackass - if helping people who have lacerations annoys you why the hell you work in the healthcare profession???

are you seriously complaining about your job where you deal with people needing medical attention? get a new job if your so miserable helping others...ass hat

you sound like a dick and are obviously in the wrong profession. you don't seem to like people

Sounds like you might need a change of career? No one should hate their job that much...