By nolove4me - 29/06/2011 20:41 - United States

Today, I got asked on a date. I was later told we had to cancel. Why? My ex is parked in front of his house and he is afraid to leave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 843
You deserved it 3 968

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XxbubblegumkizxX 8


ur date n u need to get a restraining order.

I got an idea. don't date a guy that's such a pussy. tell him to confront the ex. every male gender in the animal world thrives off of confrontation. what's the matter with men these days?

demonspeed 0

the animal world doesn't have boom sticks...but you are right, he should man up, walk out to his car and drive off. if the ex follows that's what cell phones are for. have a little fun with it.

demonspeed 0

"shop S Mart...". Bruce Campbell FTW

Sounds like your ex is a little too possessive.... :/ Sorry OP

were his knees flexing and his arms t-rexing?? because if they were then hes a creeper xD

Do the Creepp-ahhh!! We should tell the Lonely Island we found their long lost 4th person!

DeadxManxWalking 27
Grayfoxx 5

what kind of ****** would sneak out of their own house?

Ashleyadams2013 0

wow dude needs to jst grow some balls and come get u... what a pussy

people like that need to learn to get over it, it's over.

Flutist 3

My question is how the ex knew about your date. It sounds like you have problems with your ex that go deeper than him sitting outside someone's house. You should call the police if he is stalking you to the point where he knows about your dates and being threatening to your dates. If you announced it on Facebook and are friends with him still on there, then you need to rethink how you treat your ex. No contact. Change your number, change your passwords, delete him from facebook and make sure he is aware that you will be pressing charges if this continues. Don't tell your date plans to people before the date.