By Username - 03/08/2011 14:33 - United States

Today, I got an anonymous letter, stating my condo's community and all my neighbors can hear me having sex. Not only that, but kids gather around my window to listen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 686
You deserved it 37 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

right when your about to cum you should scream "I ****** HATE MY NEIGHBORS" followed by the sounds of your bed hitting a wall


Put a sign outside your door, "leave a dollar if you want it louder"

burgerburger 0

sex in the air I don't care I love the smell of it

Next time fake having sex then flash them when you know they are outside the window! xD that'll teach 'em a lesson!

I'm in too. I am the 2007 world masturbation champion. I warn you, this will be some Stiff competition.

You're the star of the neighbourhood, the ****-star!

Well maybe you should be more quiet but wow if people complain about it u must hav sex on the regularly

jenlynn86 0

they are all just jealous that you actual have an active and exciting sex life...

That's what you get for buying a condo instead of buying a house. For the price of your condo you could of bought a house easily. I've never understood why someone pays the price of a house for what is literally a converted apartment