By md. - 25/11/2009 04:08 - Canada

Today, I got an alarm installed in my car, and was having problems with it not going off when the car was hit. To demonstrate this to the installers, I bumped my car with my hip, which left a dent, and set the alarm off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 551
You deserved it 28 369

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you dented your car with your hip? you have a concrete ass or somethin?



How can your hip leave a dent into the car? You must've thrown yourself at full force into it or something :l

It's easy to dent a car with you hip. You don't even have to be huge to do it.

exactly I weigh 105 lbs and have dented a car

zelly05 0

u must have some iron like hip!!

if you can dent a car with your hip, you deserve it.

NickK49 0

Look out! It's backing up! BEEP BEEP BEEP!

wafflesgirl24 0

wow.. you either have very strong hips or are very wide either way poor you :(

zebrapattern 6

is your car made of tin foil?