By MeanGina - 20/02/2013 06:33 - United States - Cookeville

Today, I got a two dollar raise. Unfortunately, I recently accepted a transfer to a job on the other side of the state to what was, at the time, a more lucrative position. I can't cancel it, so now I get to move into a pay cut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 185
You deserved it 6 261

MeanGina tells us more.

Hello, OP here. Sorry I was a little ambiguous. To clarify, I mean a $2/hour raise. I didn't even think about how they handle salaries in other countries. Sorry. Second, this was a department wide raise, not specific to me, so my performance had nothing to do with it. I think the final bit of contention was why would I move across state for less than a $2/hr raise. Well, I'm desperate, for one, and it was around a $1.50/hr raise. Also, most of my family lives in the area that I am moving to, so I figured if I kept having financial problems I at least wouldn't end up homeless. I'm at the point where I just don't have enough to pay my bills (which are mainly student loans), so I just had to get more income... What makes it even worse is that if I had been able to stay, I would have been eligible for a $3/hr raise after a few months...for a total of $5 more an hour than I make now. No such luck at the new place. And I *did* discuss this move with the company, the raise was passed down directly from the top of the company and my boss knew nothing about it until a week before I was set to transfer. I couldn't back out because I had already officially accepted the new position. So yeah, FML.

Top comments

dmoran20 27

Common sense, still absent in 2013.

An extra $2 an hour is quite substantial for most people.


I would call the company you were going to move to and politely decline the position due to a change and extenuating circumstances. Places like that are familiar with these things happening and they probably gave a poop ton of applicants to take your place. You have to think if yourself when it comes to your employment and finances. Lord knows there is no job loyalty to employees these days. Do what us best for you.

you realize they gave you the raize nowing you wouldnt be able to keep it so that they in actuality wouldnt have to give it to anyone.

You poor baby, having two jobs available. I feel so sorry for you!

randybryant799 20

What did you mean you can't cancel it?