By whatadaydanny - 10/10/2012 13:58 - Dominica

Today, I got a text message from my boss that read, "You've been very bad. Severe punishment is in order." I'm not sure whether I should be turned on or terrified. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 237
You deserved it 2 959

whatadaydanny tells us more.

I replied with a simple "Oh really?"; pretty mid-ground comment if you ask me :) And she is a woman. In the office right now and she just smiled at me.

Top comments


Why does it have to be an either/or?

lifehassecrets 3

This reminds me of the movie Secretary . . .

I don't think the text was meant for you. He probably fat-fingered your number. Either that or he thinks he's being funny - which is scary in and of itself.

ladiesman4427 4

It's from Harry potter I was reading this and watching the same scene

Omg Your boss is christian Grey Id be turned on