By Anonymous - 10/08/2013 04:02 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I got a call from my son's kindergarten teacher. Apparently my son asked a girl to marry him. After she said no, he stabbed her with a fork. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 757
You deserved it 6 088

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Guess you need to fork over some cash for a therapist


megt_fml 6

At least it wasn't a butter knife to the eye!!

I had to comment on this...something very similar happened to me. I think I must've been in first grade, and my friend and I were walking around during recess towards the back end of the school, and we saw this guy and his friend staring at us from afar. One of the boys was giving us a very evil look, and my friend mentioned he was in the second grade and apparently known as a big-time bully. So we tried to avoid them, turned away and kept walking. Next thing I knew I felt a searing pain in between my shoulder blades, so I turned around and the kid giving us the evil-eye had stabbed me with a spork. All his friend said was, "Joey did it." And "Joey" was still glaring at me. My friend and I ran to the nurse who bandaged it up (it was actually bleeding) and they called him into the principal's office to ask why he did it (I had NEVER even talked to this guy before). His excuse? "I like her!" LOL, kids have the strangest ways of handling things. Hope the little girl wasn't seriously hurt, OP. I also hope you had a talk with your son about proper ways of handling his emotions.

That'll be a story to tell to his wife. (unless it's her O.o)

XxxT3rr4xxX 25

You sure got a winner right there.

Countryboy1996 18

When teaching your kids "don't take 'no' for an answer" goes wrong.

Haha! Smart kid honestly You should be proud