By how about never? - 19/10/2014 11:22 - United States - San Fernando

Today, I gave birth to my first child. The first thing my husband says? "When can I hit it again, doc?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 909
You deserved it 5 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he isn't scarred over watching the whole ordeal!

Almost as charming as a guy asking the doctor to add a few extra stitches in.


Why would you hit a newborn? That's just rude. ///Sarcasm

BasedComment 15

You can say she's screwed now.

No, OP is screwed in about 6 weeks.

KittehFreak 25

If you want to get technical, she's already screwed. Unless she's the next Virgin Mary.

Not for 6 weeks!!!! Also should be cautious if you nurse the baby. You are extremely fertile when you wheen the baby, found that one out when I was pregnant with my second.

That's accually not true most ppl are less fertile when breast feeding. You are not infertile tho so it is still possible

Thank you for breeding with this gem of the genepool.

What a Stud. An honest man ladies. Something you girls should admire.

Congrats on the baby! Sadly he's being silly at the wrong time or being horny at the wrong time. There is a time and place for sex and intimacy, and this isn't it. At least he enjoys you I guess...

You can have sex as soon as you want. My parents were at it again 2 days after. Same with me.

Very, very bad idea. That can cause hemorrhage and internal distress. Not to mention the extreme pain for the woman (even if she had a c-section, things are still tender).

Your parents might overshare with you.

Ow! Took me 4 weeks and it was still sore!