By Anonymous - 13/06/2009 19:47 - United States

Today, I gave a carpet shampooing demonstration in a stranger's home. To my surprise, the white expensive carpet was dyed grey due to something in the solution. The owner held me hostage in her house by barracading the door until my manager got there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 553
You deserved it 9 083

Same thing different taste

Top comments

manoverboard 0

Well, if it was THAT expensive, they shouldn't have taken the chance. I said it's their fault.


Giant dick cockmonster penistermonger

Are you so much of a pussy that you couldn't even keep a woman from holding you hostage? ******* grow a pair.

she should of called the cops on you get a real job f her life for having a lame carpet salesman mess up her carpet

alex_vik 0

#13 - Rape is always funny. Unless it actually happens.

NightVisionShoes 0

That's why we spot test! But really she deserved it, what kind of nut buys a white carpet? And #18, can you not even enjoy a comedy website without bitching about people who have different political views than you? You must have a really tiny dick/****.

ziqi92 0

barracading?? thats creepy...

#18..there was no problem to explain, it just didn't work? funny story, must've been awkward. :}

#13: False. Picture Proky Pig raping Elmer Fudd. And, unless I'm missing something, this FML doesn't state the gender of the salesperson or the homeowner.