By BNLM - 09/03/2010 01:11 - United States

Today, I found the purity ring I lost a year ago. Too bad I lost my virginity 4 months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 628
You deserved it 34 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments


MoooMooMooMooMoo 0

Everyones being a tad harsh, I mean for all you know it had been stolen. unlikely but still possible. But still, a lot of people regret how they lost their virginity, it must have been something she really regrets. And having been reminded of it by finding her ring must have hurt. If only you could find virginity again along with the ring eh?

I wear a purity ring... I mean really nobody wants to b a **** b even if u are not wearing it the ring is ment to remind u of the promise u made. so even if u take it odd u r breaking a promise.

paperisuseful 0

having sex doesn't make u a ****

sami1994 0

it kinda does if you do it outside of marrage when your in your a teenager..... I have a purity ring and my friends and guy friends respect that fact and respect me because of it.... it actually means something to me unlike some people *cough cough* op.....

insdel2006 0

It just means that the Jesus freaks have brainwashed you enough to deny a basic biological urge, and a major source of fulfillment in your life. If you were born in India instead you would brainwashed by Hindus and start bragging about how much you respect yourself because you never eat beef.

So is the point of a purity ring to advertise your virginal status? I'm picturing a magical force field around your vag keeping all out penile assaults until you take the ring off..

Skittles_rock 0

wtf get over it I lost mine in 5th grade

I like this FML. You lost your ring then you ****** someone elses purity ring. Nice work.

further proof that hormones are stronger than promises to parents and imaginary people

paperisuseful 0
perdix 29

Maybe now you can use it as a **** ring. Oh, the irony!

Blackiechan85 0

dude why didn't you **** me!? I'm so good at sex.

well I'm not really religious but my then gf is and it was well almost a year until we decided to have sex but hey it's our choice I think it would be funny and ironic if she lost her virginity bending looking for her purity ring lol and next thing you know whammy and she's like whatever let's go with it lol