By BNLM - 09/03/2010 01:11 - United States

Today, I found the purity ring I lost a year ago. Too bad I lost my virginity 4 months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 628
You deserved it 34 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments


OMFG im not saying ur fml was bad but everyone loses their virginity at some point. i lost mine when i was 13 woop dee freakin do. not a big deal.

I Dont Get Why People Think That One Someone That Has The Purity Ring Atomically Likes Or Is Following The Jonas Brothers . Have You Thought That Maybe That It Has To Do With What The CHOOSE Not What Someone Singers Are Doing .

heatherfeather 4

i had 3 purity rings in a set. Each one had a different word of the "true love waits" phrase on it. A week after I lost my virginity I couldn't find my "waits" ring. its always an interesting little story to share when it fits the topic :P

Clearly purity rings magically prevent sex.

if you are a Jonas brothers fan then i have no sympathy. Actually i still have no sympathy. You had your morals and your beliefs but ignored them. Sex however is awesome so i hoped you enjoyed it!

jasper456 0

are u a girl cause the whole purity ring is over rated and gay if ur a guy u proply lost it on purps to get laided

w_haleigh2090 1

I have a purity ring. There's nothing wrong with it. It's not over rated. Some people like wearing them as a reminder for themselves and others that they are staying pure until marriage.

EmilyKitten9 0

So what? Lmfao, woow. That is so gay, that wasn't funny or bad. It's just a ring for christ sake.

sparklies 0
afallingstar 22

losing the ring had nothing to do with losing your virginity ydi for having a purity ring ydi for thinking it was cool ydi for thinking you could justify your sluttiness based on losing the ring