By MickeyDManager - 03/08/2009 15:08 - United States

Today, I found out that the girl I tutored in high school in basic ENGLISH just received her PhD in Biophysics. I am now the manager of a McDonald's. I was also the Valedictorian of our graduating class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 662
You deserved it 39 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL #1. You do know that Biophysics doesn't have that much of a correlation to English, right? You should get up and DO something about your situation instead at looking at what others are doing.

at least you're manager and not an employee :D


Would you like a togo cup for your bucket of tears? loser

Futt_Buck 0

Maybe she was foreign and was learning English

A-ewww mcdonalds B-you must have a really stupid class if a md owner was validictorian... ydi micky-d

A-ydi for walking into that godfosaken place B-you graduated from a school of dumbasses... YDI

That doesn't mean shit. I had English problems in high school also. Now I'm the top student at the world's best public university :)

ydi for not taking the opportunitys that you had, also ydi for bitching about the life you ****** up yourself. but i used to work at mickey-dees and the managers get paid well, maybe not as well as a biophysicist but a good bit more than what most people around here are paid without a bachelors, masters, or phd, plus health, dental and medical insurance, for a hell of alot cheaper than what comes out of my dads paycheck, who is a plant operator at a citgo petroleum cat cracker. also a discount card at a lot of great places. (haha that sounds cheesey but i loved that it did save me a good bit of money) anyways, stop bitching you were given the same if not more oppertunitys than her to make yourself into something, and its all on YOU to make something of yourself, as it is everyone else. sorry about the rambeling folks this is more of a soft spot for me, when people bitch about things that are their own damn fault

HFcinfinity 0

Either you were in a graduating class of retards or this is bullshit

Hey at least your Manager and its Mcdonalds.

Meh FYL, with a light YDI zest. Dear OP, Drop the preconceptions and do what you feel needs to be done to not feel like this ever again, whatever that may be. Comparing yourself to what others have or are doing is a sure-fire way to set yourself up for disappointment, because someone is always going to have it better. There's always a bigger fish. It's a skate or die world, so pick up the controller/board and do what you gotta do.