By nomorenakedpicsplease - 07/07/2013 05:21 - Canada - Leduc

Today, I found out that my ex-girlfriend gives out my number to guys who ask for hers. Let's just say that I'll never be able to unsee the pictures that were sent to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 439
You deserved it 5 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Give out hers on a lesbian dating site or something similar.

Bostern 29

Why don't you stick her number on Craigslist for revenge?


Right her number down in the a bathroom stall some where saying " Call for a good time"

To those guys I always take a picture and send it back, saying oh didn't I tell you - I was a transvestite muahahaha. They usually don't call my gf phone again!

graceinsheepwear 33

52, maybe you need to ask your gf why guys have her number in the first place. Sounds like you caught her cheating but you haven't figured that out yet. Open your eyes, dude.

Send a pic back, and I guarantee you that they'll stop! or..well, if they're bisexual, then..well, then you're just out of luck :-)

yzzami 17

Send them pictures of hairy male crossdressers

I'm sorry OP, but I find that pretty genius! Either she's really bitter or you were a total ass.

By your own account you looked at more than one so you deserve it.

kayteakay 26

Forward those pictures to your ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend (if she has any)!