By Anonymous - 30/10/2013 16:43 - United States - Houston

Today, I found out that I'm highly-placed in my wrestling competition this year. I also found out that I have mono and won't be able to take part for at least the first half of the competition. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 453
You deserved it 3 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BubbleGrunge 18

You could kiss all the other wrestlers or drink out of their bottles, give them the mono and then everyone is even! Mono wrestling for everyone!!! Steroids ARE accepted!


You mean your season? I've wrestled for six years each Saturday is called a meet

caysters 12

Meh, I refused to sit and do nothing when I had mono. My ass was at lacrosse practice, misery or not.

We'll too bad u can't WRESTLE that problem! Anyone… no? Okay…

timss4 19

We had a herpes break out from The Clash in 2007, no wrestling for a week or 2. It sucked lmao

Rosebudx 32

A wrestler on the team that I was a mat maid for was diagnosed for mono the day before our first match of the season. He made the most of things by showing up to every meet and tournament with a mask on and threatening to "smooch everyone on the team who doesn't make the finals". We did really well that year...

sally95 6

I got mono 10 months ago and im still sick. It might be more than half, sorry mate

timss4 19

Lol just what he needs, something to make him lose hope in competing.

Oh damn man I feel you there. I had mono, it SUCKS. Feel better, good luck on wrestling

mrmyagii 2

Hope you get a bye the first round, if not then you will probably have a scrub first round. Outside single takedown and cradle fast to win in less than a minute.. Shake hands and leave

timss4 19

Very shitty bro, when I was in hs wrestling at a state tournament I got my 2 front teeth knocked out due to a dirty sucker punch early in the first match lol I definitely know the feeling. Hope you can at least show some scouts what you're capable of later

nickbrody 2

I have never been checked for mono in all my days of wrestling.. I say get some energy, then tuff it out. C'mon you are a wrestler

knoxxx 22

People with mono aren't supposed to play contact sports because the infection increases your risk of rupturing your spleen.