By brannie - 30/01/2012 00:26 - United States

Today, I found out that Google+ has been automatically uploading my cell phone pictures as I take them. My friends have now seen pictures of me, my penis, and other things too horrifying to talk about. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 716
You deserved it 46 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's like that stupid feature on Facebook that tells people what articles you've been reading. No privacy at all. But anyways, taking "dick pics" is never a good idea.

what photos have you been taking that are worse than ones of your dick? just out of curiosity!


I thought those picture looked like a penis, only smaller.

Maybe he has pictures of his sister, and his family would be more horrified of HIM having HER pictures, than just seeing his obsession of himself?

really? google+ says: "Your photos and videos will show up in the "Photos from your phone" section. Nobody can see them unless you explicitly share them."

Thats why you stick to facebook... And let google have youtube, and a search engine.

Because Facebook is known for its respect of privacy...

Facebook "shares" (sells) every piece of information they have about you to other companies. Google keeps it all to themselves to use for advertising.

this is the funniest post I've ever seen

badbadman187 1

people actually use Google +? hmm who knew

To bad im not you friend in google+ :)))

this happened to me once too but they were automatically set to private, so you might still be safe, op.

Hahahahaha! *gasps for air* hahaha! XD well, just use your last shreds of dignity and coope with it.